Thursday, August 03, 2006

Martha Nobody finds a quiet place to stop

THE only person not smiling at Sunday’s unveiling of a stunning $70,000 bronze sculpture was the star of the show herself.

Affectionately known to her sculptor, Damien Lucas, as Martha Nobody, the work-of-art of the everyday pioneer woman was donated by the NSW Branch of the Stockman’s Hall of Fame to be installed in the garden outside the RM Williams cottage.

Weighing 350 kilograms the group’s tribute to women of the Outback is now sitting peacefully on a rock in the newly developed ‘quiet space’ which is to include a picnic table and chairs for visitors.

Also planned is the etching of Wilbur G. Howcroft’s poem Pioneer Woman onto rock - to match writings already on view at the Hall - and placed near Martha.

New South Wales branch founding committee member Jennie Newman travelled to Longreach for the unveiling unable to believe her organisation’s "labour-of-love" was now finally in her rightful place.

"We started making plans in 1989.
"We had a very active committee during the 80s and 90s and worked hard to find a way to complement the efforts of our early settlers, particularly the women.
"As the committee worked to raise money it was finally decided we would have a quiet place at the Hall of Fame where visitors could spend a moment or two relaxing with a tribute to all those incredible women who followed their men into the unknown.
"It’s hard to believe that this project, which has been in the making for so long, is finally a reality."

Along with the official unveiling by Longreach’s own pioneer woman Ann Barrett, native grevilleas were planted around Martha to welcome her to her new home.


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