Indigenous celebrations close

LONGREACH’S inaugural NAIDOC celebrations came to a close last weekend, with a special family sports day at the showgrounds.
Drawing inspiration from a book detailing the ins-and-outs of Indigenous sports, Longreach’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community took to the field for a day full of boomerang throwing and touch football, Murri-style.
Myrtle Weldon from the Longreach ATSIC office was pleased to see local children interacting with their heritage in a fun and productive way.
"The whole week went really well," Ms Weldon said.
"The kids learnt more about culture and produced some really impressive paintings at the youth club during the week.
"They did up T-shirts celebrating NAIDOC and decorated boomerangs which they then took to the showgrounds to learnt how to throw.
"It was great to see the community coming together to celebrate this week. We will be definitely doing it all again next year-it might even be bigger."
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