Mail truck centenary gets into gear

WHILE the celebration date is still a way off, the Ilfracombe and Isisford Shire Councils have commenced planning for the 100 year anniversary of Australia’s first motorised mail run.
Billy Gillespie and Ellis Sutton are believed to have pioneered Australia’s first motorised mail run in the early part of the twentieth century between the burgeoning agricultural centres of Ilfracombe and Isisford.
A mail truck replaced packhorses and horse-drawn coaches from 1910, prompting the two Western Queensland towns to come together for a shindig in 2010.
Ilfracombe’s chief executive officer Vaughn Becker said he believed the commemorative event could include a historic recreation of that first trip.
"Nothing is concrete yet, but we envisage a re-enactment with a convoy of old trucks, starting in Ilfracombe, perhaps having a clay-pan boogey along the way, then finishing up in Isisford."
Mr Becker believes the first step in organising the centennial motorised mail run is to track down all interested parties.
"It will be a joint celebration between Ilfracombe and Isisford shires and we are looking at inviting descendents of Gillespie and Sutton.
"We have to chase some pictures and knowledge of the first mail run, as well as look into the opportunity to go wider, incorporating other people’s histories of motorised mail runs in the country.
"At this stage we are trying to find out the contact details of people who might have more information about this historic event."
The 90-kilometre day trip between Ilfracombe and Isisford not only revolutionised mail services across the country, it also provided a new experience for local townspeople.
"It would have meant a lot for the people of Ilfracombe and Isisford. It was a lot quicker than the coach, it could carry more material and it was more reliable."
The Ilfracombe Shire Council and Isisford Shire Council have also suggested that a reunion of all mail contractors/drivers and a historical display of all forms of mail transportation, including the indomitable Datsun 120Y, should form part of the anniversary festivities.
Anyone with information about the old mail runs should contact the Isisford or Ilfracombe Shire Councils.
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