Thursday, November 09, 2006

Establishing a balance in power

IN an effort to boost the number of women in local government, the Queensland Government is running a free information seminar in Longreach on November 22.

The Women Into Local Government seminar will explore the benefits, opportunites and support available for women interested in becoming elected representatives on local councils.

"Experienced councillors and CEOs from local governments around the State will share their personal perspectives and experiences and answer questions about election processes and their working lives at the workshops," Minister for Justice and Women, Rod Welford said.

"Women bring diverse perspectives and important skills and expertise to local governments however they make up only 30 per cent of all elected councillors and 15% of mayors throughout Queensland."

In a survey of 14 local governments of the Central West The Longreach Leader found women made up 26 per cent of councillors with three female deputy mayors and no female mayors.
Barcaldine Shire councillor Tina Sullivan said women have a very positive impact of council and encouraged other women to get involved.

"Women bring a balanced approach to local councils and can be very forward thinking. It’s not all roads, rates and rubbish," Cr Sullivan said.

"However for several reasons, such as having kids, it is often easier to get men to stand for council.
"The community must take some responsibility here. If they want to see more women on council they need to get behind some quality candidates and support them to nominate as councillors in local elections.
"I have two kids, my own business and the council work, but with the community supporting you, you don’t mind the extra work because of the positive outcomes you achieve."

All women with an interest in local council are invited to attend the Longreach seminar however numbers are limited. To reserve your place visit or phone 1800 177 577.

The seminar will be held in the Thompson room at Longreach Civic Centre from 6 to 7pm on November 22.


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