Drought puts pressure on bush families

By Anthea Gleeson
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
THE drought not only has an affect on the condition of the land, it can also leave its black mark in the minds of people.
Local Salvation Army officer Neville Radecker said he has seen the drought affect relationships and the family unit, through domestic and family violence.
"This is a history-making drought, because of its intensity and duration, and it’s putting enormous pressure and stress on people."
"What may be a minor trait in someone’s personality can become exaggerated.
"The drought brings to the surface issues that are usually hidden; we have seen so many strong relationships break apart [during this time].
"Across the different shires we have witnessed people just walk off the land, leaving behind their families, because they have reached their breaking point.
"These people have been so affected that they have no rational thoughts left."
Mr Radecker sees a partial solution in adjusting government legislation to provide a sense of certainty for landholders.
"Quite often the government changes the rules without warning," Mr Radecker said.
"Government bodies make statements that are not followed up.
"People become uneasy when faced with the unknown and this creates rifts within the family unit."
Alongside his wife Lorraine, Mr Radecker covers a wide area incorporating Windorah, Quilpie, Tambo, Alpha, Aramac, Winton and Longreach, offering spiritual reassurance to people affected by physical, emotional or financial violence within the home.
"We will never be able to meet the needs of everyone within our area, nor be aware of every single case," Mr Radecker said.
"But we can establish contact with people and come alongside them to either provide a referral to a professional or, being Christians, provide spiritual advice or financial aid.
"We also send out a monthly newsletter as a way of reassuring those people in the more isolated areas that someone is out there wanting to make regular contact with them.
If you’d like to make contact with the Radeckers, please call the Salvation Army in Longreach on 4658 3590.
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